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- Mother Teresa



Tuesday and Saturday

10 am - 1 pm


1st Tuesday of every month is for Seniors/Disabled/Veterans with shopping hours starting at 9:30 am



3 pm - 7 pm

  • All are welcome!

  • You may shop as often as we are open on Tuesday and Saturday from 10 am - 1pm and Thursday from 3 pm - 7 pm.

  • Shopping bags are not permitted in the store except for Bag Day.  All items must be carried out.

  • Adults and children 10 and older may take 10 items out of the store (this includes clothing, shoes, baby gear, etc.)

  • Please shop in a timely manner so we can effectively keep our line moving.

  • Bag Day last Saturday of every month - bring your own bag and fill it up.

  • ¡Todos son bienvenidos!

  • Puede comprar siempre que estemos abiertos los martes y sábados de 10 am a 1 pm y los jueves de 3 pm a 7 pm.

  • Las bolsas de compras no están permitidas en la tienda excepto en el Bag Day. Todos los elementos deben llevarse a cabo.

  • Los adultos y los niños mayores de 10 años pueden sacar 10 artículos de la tienda (esto incluye ropa, zapatos, artículos para bebés, etc.)

  • Compre de manera oportuna para que podamos mantener nuestra línea en movimiento de manera efectiva.

  • Bag Day último sábado de cada mes: traiga su propia bolsa y llénela

Shopping Rules


Only accepted

Monday, Tuesday, Friday & Saturday
10 am - 1 pm 

3 pm - 7 pm 

Please do not leave donations on the loading dock.


Hope Heals is a 501(c)(3) organization.  We will be happy to provide a receipt for your donations.  For additional donation information please visit our Donate page.

What we DON'T take - household items, decor, toys, or books. If we have a specific need for any of these items we will ask for donations on our Facebook page.

We accept gently used clothing, shoes, accessories, linens, safe and approved baby gear (nothing expired or potentially dangerous), personal hygiene and care items (unused soaps and shampoos, diapers, wipes, formula), as well as non-perishable food items. 


We would be forever grateful if you could please label your bagged donations (no boxes please) with what's inside (clothing gender, size, etc.) and make sure the bags aren't too heavy for our volunteers to lift.

Located at 

606 Falmouth Street
Suite A

Warrenton, Va 20186

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